Judging from his age, I believe he is half a year old. Found it near to Hua Ho Sengkurong yesterday. "Syukran" that he did not have any open wound and illness. Just starving.
Second, they have to fit the criteria of kitten that needs instant attention to them. This include; starving, wounded and sick.

I pick her a few weeks ago near to Soon Lee Sengkurong with really-really bad condition (sick & starving). I spot her sleeping under the car, but behind the wheel. If the owner of the car didn't realised it and drive away, she will be flatten to death. It was night time when I pick her. Her name is Jazz.

Meet Toby, a runaway cat. Has been recognized me for several months already.

Eat time! All the cats and kittens here are feed with boiled fish and mixed with rice.

The oldest cat in my house, Mr. Kuning. Age? 7 years old. My family first cat.
Thats all for the small update of my blog! Enjoy this post and see you next time! Holla!
p.s.: My house is not a public animal center as I type this.