The journey quite horrible actually. We depart from the school at 8 AM sharp on a rent school bus which was driven by a woman. I have no comment on the surrounding area during the road trip but I do have comment on how she drive.

For the intro, the officer of the Agriculture Department brief us with the history of the centre, its function and what are their current activities.

Juniors and the respective lecturer listening to the briefing.

The officer in charge showing us some of the equipment use in their work. This is a taser gun, enough to kick the cow down.

One of the officer in charge was giving an explaination on some of the medicals and equipment use in their work.

Then after the briefing, we all then made a tour around the centre.

At this cow housing, we were brief on the usage of some of the facilities in their work.

And this is my current display photo (DP) of my Facebook profile.

For your information, not all cow here was put into the fenced area for research, but some of it like on the above picture are own by irresponsible people who left their cow free around the public without any surveillance. The owner must pay BND 1000 to release the cow.

Fight between them always occur due to their living condition where they were put on a fenced area, therefore limiting their freedom which develop their stress. This cow have suffered from bruises and cut as well as damaged horn due to fight.

All the cow dung were not wasted away but wash into this pool where it will naturally dry before it can be use as a fertilizer.

Along our way, we are keep brief on what are their activities that are currently going around such as the preparation of grass for the cow to graze.

After finish touring the area, we now off back to the office for some refreshment.

After the refreshment, Badrul on the behalf of us give a thank speech to all the officer in charge.

On the way back to school, Mr. Liew share with us the Para Grass which is quite sweet. Taste like a sour young mango.
The visit are important to us to know how the livestock company running a day to day operation. We accumulate new experience as well having a good time, gaining new knowledge while clearing the head from some of the work. For the rest of the photo, check it here. And to this driver:

Which is a woman. Know what your vehicle is, drive slow and keep your eyes open for potholes.

And preserve the road code and safety is important. Bye and see you next month for new post because I have reach my limit on my Flickr account. Holla!