Fish fillet with lemon sauce, 2 types of rice, black pepper meat and fried mee. It's more than enough for a plate of meal paid by someone else.
Look how old the plastic glass is. But no comment with what inside because its awesome especially the throat is already dry.

After the main menu, come the side dish. Cakes.
So, all this about is my first outing for the 2nd year with my coursemate. It was held at Ayamku Restaurant at 2nd Floor and all the food anbd drinks are under my Group Coordinator's expenses. And everyone want to get a hold of Qilah's baby.

Will not be long in her mother's arm because the baby is the star for this outing.
First, Hidayah.
Second with Miss Ruby.

Third, with Syazwan.

Group photo before everyone off to their next destination. Ladies first.

Another shot.

The guy turn.
The outing is very enjoyable because not only because of the free food but also all of us can enjoy the time off from school work. Well, looking forward for the next outing!

Relax and enjoy til drop!

Yeah, drop!