They set up booths and sell their product. And this is the booths for companies from Agriculture Studies Department.

Here at the Agriculture Studies Department booth, they sell the product that their grow.

And some natural product that not only use for food, but also for other useful things such as this natural grown sponges.

Some of the vegetables sold during the event.

Government official checking out some of the product at the Agriculture Studies Department's booth while attended by Sir Liew (right) & Cikgu Zaitunah (middle).

Other department's booths.
Other departments mostly sell foods and drinks such as:

FOOD!!! I recommended you the sandwich from A's Delicacies because of 2 reasons. First, thats the only food that I bought during the event & secondly, its delicious!
And this is one of the boss of Agro Young Enterprise. They specialize is mushroom and this company are under the Agriculture Studies Department.

A few couples of minutes before the event start. Fail to capture the whole event because of 2 reasons. First, my camera's battery dry out. Second, I'm temporarily looking after the booth while all the members of the 20 companies took the stage for a show.

The young entrepreneur line up infront of their booths while the Minister of Education pay a visit to every booths at the event.

1 more booth before the Minister step into the Agro Young Enterprise Booth.

The Minister of Education (right) inspect the product of Young Agro Enterprise while one of the member of the company, SKY brief the minister.
Thats all from my coverage for that event. Check my Youtube channel for more visualisation of the event. I'm gonna off to bed now coz I have football match to be attended. I'll upload some of the videos to Vimeo on later that and will post it here at my blog. I'm OUT!
p.s.: Awathup? Food?