Whats good things about early morning is that you can declare the road as your own road. No cars, even on the traffic light.
In the morning, if you hungry and lazy to cook something for yourself and you don't have anyone to cook for you and you have car to drive, you can find an instant breakfast without waiting for it to cook. Just grab it and pay. But where?

If you are a Bruneian, you can easily find it at famous retail shop in your village. Trust me, you can have anything that you want.

Like nuts on different variation and taste.

The local free-time common delicacies, "kueh" also in different variation.

Ketupat, a rice with special ingredient wrap with leaf which are one of the local favorite.

You want Italian food? Don't worry. They have it too!

What should I call this in English word... If you know "Subway", you know what is this except "Subway" is more grand than this.
Ok, thats all from me. Now I'm gonna back to sleep before I'm off to International Convection Center to visit the Consumer Expo there in the lunch-time. Thats all from me for this time. Buhbye!
p.s.: For those who are from my school and participate a Nasyid Competition, goodluck!
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