This is the man who have brought me into this world. Happy 50th Birthday dad.
We celebrate his birthday at the newly renovated Khaz Corner in Sengkurong. Actually, last week when we celebrate my mum and my sister birthday, my sister vote to hold the celebration here at Khaz Corner but she bail out her plan after everyone vote for another restaurant.

Celebrating the birthday with his family is something that we can't express with word and expression.
Talking about the new renovation, nothings seems to change alot. Except on the wall and the door. However, the food a bit delicious this time. I don't know why but maybe because its been a very long time I didn't dine there.

This is my favorite. Everytime I go to this restaurant, I will order spaghetti (except when in Ramadhan).

I've also have a chance to taste the buttermilk prawn set. It was awesome because the prawn is juicy and the buttermilk is crispy and soft.

And also have a chance to taste the fish in mango sauce.

I though 'Ayam Penyet' is when the chicken are dip in a curry flour then fry and I'm wrong. Its actually a traditional fried chicken! Correct me if I'm wrong.
And my tradition beverage, ABC. I wonder why I always order this drink although I know the dairy contain in this drink will increase the chances I suffer from dehydration.
This is only a small update on what is going on around me. And once more, Happeth Berthday Dad. May you get well on your work, life and social activities. And now, thats the end of this update and the next update will be on next month, next year or next decade. Because next update will be my 100th post! So, it must be something special. So, gotta go and holla all guys!
p.s.: :) Its Movember! Save your moustache to support Against Prostate Cancer Cause.