We ON a barbecue session beside a group of lecturers playing crickets.
And this is the chef of the day, the one who stand on the top of the school. He is like an Oyabun in a Yakuza world. Seriously, look at the eyebrow.

This is a happy go-lucky friend. Seriously, I never really-really saw you with a real sad face.
Thats it for January because at that time, I'm too busy on eating rather than taking a nice picture. And here come the February. And for the first time ever in the history of the school (well, maybe its the first time in my life), the open day not that 'KILL'.

The front page on my school bulletin (which really never exist).

Happy go lucky friend with happy go-lucky designed poster. Epic Win!

Here it is my lecturer looking after the stall. FYI, he is the best lecturer that I ever seen. He taught me a lot of theory. Not only that, he taught me about moral code. Seriously, I should thank him. Alot.

The one with the blue ECA shirt, he is my another best lecturer. He have taught me well. So well that I appreciate what he have sacrifice for me. Thanks Sir, I know you read this.
Talking about these open day, one things that disappointed me and maybe disappointed everyone: the newspaper. Especially about how many days my school run the open day. Don't know who give them the info but that guy sure gonna get big 'batu' on their head.

And because of that, my mood to capture good photo and video are not that satisfying. I just put this food's photo to make this post longer. Talking about the food, this year, there was a huge disappointment on the Food Department. The food, not awesome like last year open day.

Student from other school ask one of my junior about the course.

Fish student brief the students from other school.
Thats all from me. I have video on the open day. You can watch it on my Tumblr. No comment about everything and thats all from me. Buhbye.