Had dinner with my family because of her. Full!
Its been like a decade has pass since my first time with my family having our food at Khaz Corner in Sengkurong. Its like our traditional food getaway if we all crave for some extra delicacies. And one of the food that this restaurant never disappoint me:

Officially, its my tradition's meal to have this lovely awesome spaghetti when I have my food there at Khaz Corner.
And to my surprise, the waitress introduced me with the new version of ABC. For your information, I am an ABC enthusiaster and it a must have drinks for me when I have my food in a restaurant (cocktail in substitute if they haven't).

ABC Special; Ice-cream and more longan. Don't have to order a plate of ice-cream anymore. Banana split, I'm gonna miss you.
Okay, thats only a small update, just to make my blog a little bit personal. And I'm still working out my English. Kinda like "submarine". Holla!